• Ayurveda

    The Ayurvedic Constitutions: Kapha Dosha

    Kapha dosha is one of three constitutions used in ayurveda. Each dosha is a combination of two of the five ayurvedic elements, air, ether, water, fire, and earth. The doshas are used to categorize a person’s body type in order to create habits and routines that help prevent dis-ease. Earth and water are the two elements that make up kapha dosha. Kapha Dosha in Mind and Body Ayurvedic practitioners can determine your born dosha, or prakriti by looking at your current habits, external features, and energy levels. It is possible to self asses and discover your dosha, however it’s best to consult with an ayurvedic practitioner. A practitioner will have an unbiased perspective…

  • Cabbage salad meal prep

    20 Minute Meal Prep Recipe: Cabbage, Lentil & Sweet Potato Salad

    This is my all time favorite meal prep for the week, It’s affordable, adaptable and super easy! Not to mention it’s packed with essential vitamins like vitamin A, K and C, which support your immune system. In this recipe, I use a simple olive oil dressing made with common condiments in my kitchen. However, you can use a store bought dressing, or use one of your favorite home recipes. Ingredients Here’s what you’ll need… One head of red cabbage – mid size Two-three heads of broccoli 1/2 a red onion One large sweet potato or 2-3 mid size ones One cup of cooked lentils Olive oil Ginger Lemon Salt and pepper to taste…

  • Health and wellness yoga retreat relaxation meditation

    Three Ayurvedic Habits To Include In Your Daily Routine

    Ayurveda is considered the sister science of yoga. It is a holistic, medicinal practice focused on the prevention of disease. Through application of the Ayurvedic practice, it is believed that you can find a state of balance both physically and energetically. By incorporating both Ayurveda and yoga into your life, you can aid your body in maintaining its natural state of health and wellbeing. I first came across Ayurveda through my teacher training program, and I’ve been researching and implementing Ayurveda into my life ever since! While the study of Ayurveda can be confusing at first, there are many aspects of the practice that are simple and effective. Here are three, easy to…