• balance the second chakra through yoga

    Chakra Basics: How to Balance the Second Chakra

    It’s been a while since I’ve written about the chakra system, but it’s one of my absolute favorite topics as a yoga teacher! If you don’t know much about the chakra system, I encourage you to backtrack to my first post about chakra one. Chakra one is the stability that allows the other chakras to flourish, so it’s important to understand the first chakra’s energy before moving on. Since I’ve already discussed the first chakra, we’re going to move onto chakra two, the sacral chakra. Our sacral chakra is a space of sensuality and emotions. The sacral chakra also deals with our creativity, adaptability and the nurturance of ourselves and others. While there’s a…

  • Muladhara the root chakra

    Chakra One The Root Chakra: Muladhara

    The root chakra, is arguably the most important chakra point to understand. The root chakra resides at the base of your spine and connects to your most primal instincts of survival. Additionally, the root chakra is responsible for your connection to the physical world. Therefore, the element associated with the root chakra is earth. Your fight or flight sense, and your feeling of belonging, also results from the first chakra energy. If the first chakra is not in alignment then it is nearly impossible to find balance among the rest. Your first chakra provides the stability for the energetic body. Anatomy Physically, the first chakra is associated with the male reproductive organs and…