The 5 Yoga Yamas: Yoga Philosophy and the Eight-Limbed Path
This post contains affiliate links, reash disclaimer for more info. I recently wrote a post about the eight-limbed path and the yoga philosophy. Traditionally the first limb taught to students is the yamas. In today’s day and age, yoga has become more of a mainstream exercise than a truly spiritual practice. This means philosophies such as the yamas and eight-limbed path often get overlooked. While I’m not here to get into the debate of “what is yoga,” I do want to share the philosophies of the practice so we can have a deeper understanding of its purpose in our lives. If you haven’t checked out my post about the eight-limbed path I recommend…
My Favorite Meditation Techniques
Meditation and yoga go hand in hand. In fact, one of the many benefits of yoga is the meditative state of mind you find during and after your yoga practice. Yogis practice the yoga postures for many reasons, but one of the biggest reasons to practice yoga asana is to calm your body and mind, prepping for meditation. While there are differing schools of thought regarding the meditation practice, they all focus on clearing your mind and stepping into a state of observation. Essentially, creating the time and space for your body to just be and breathe can prove to be extremely beneficial. When to meditate and how to meditate is up to the…