yoga book club

I always get asked about book recommendations for yogis. Here are my favorite books for both yoga teachers and practitioners. Click image to shop.

Daring Greatly

If you’ve ever doubted yourself in work, in relationships, in life, Daring Greatly will help you not only dream big, but actually adopt the right mindset needed in order to achieve your goals. Brené Brown is known for her work on the study of shame, and quickly became a household name with her first book, The Gifts of Imperfection. 

Meditation for the Love of it

Meditation for the Love of it, is full of meditation practices for both beginners and advanced meditators. As a teacher, I value this book for it’s multiple approaches to the practice, and I love how down the earth the author is. It’s a true hidden gem, and an all time favorite of mine!

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are some of the most widely known principles of the yoga practice. If you want to dive deep and understand yoga’s philosophies then the sutras are a great place to start. Moving beyond the physical practice, the yoga sutras offer insights into Yoga’s true intention, and the mental aspects of the practice.

Hatha Yoga Pradipika

HYP is often referred to as the yoga bible. It’s a hefty read but well worth it for serious practitioners and yoga scholars. Full of pose breakdowns, theories and teachings, HYP is highly informative holding some of the first recorded knowledge of the traditional practice of yoga.

Eastern Body Western Mind

Anodea Judith is one of my favorite authors, her study of the chakra system and the human psyche is fascinating. Eastern Mind Western Body is a great read for those interested in understanding how the chakra system affects their personal well being. I highly recommend this book to teachers and mental health professionals.

Wheels of Life

Another great read by Anodea Judith, Wheels of Life offers insight on the brain body connection through the chakra system. Full of information, this read is great for yoga teachers and students. Wheels of Life provides a practical approach to understanding and connecting with the chakras through the physical yoga practice. 

The Yamas and Niyamas

The Yamas and Niyamas are the first limb of the traditional approach to learning yoga. Often considered ethical principles, the yamas and niyamas are mental restraints that prepare your mind for meditation, and cultivate inner peace. As the first limb of yoga, the yamas and niyamas are great areas of study for beginner yogis.


Breath is a great book that brings ancient practices into the modern world. All about the science of breath and what it does for your body, Breath is the perfect introduction to the practice of breath work. While Breath focuses on multiple lineages and breathing techniques, the practices can be applied to yoga as well. 

Ayurveda and the Mind

Ayurveda is considered the sister science to yoga and is practiced to help balance your body, and avoid disease. Ayurveda is not just about physical well-being, but also mental well-being. In thes book, Dr. David Frawley writes about the multiple states of consciousness, and how Ayurveda can help heal your mind. 

Prakriti Your Ayurvedic Constitution

Prakriti, Your Ayurvedic Constitution, is an awesome book for those interested in learning the basics of Ayurveda. Ayurveda balances the body through lifestyle and diet. This book dives into the three body types, and how to balance everyday ailments to maintain health.

Science of Yoga

As a student and teacher I love learning the nitty gritty details of how te yoga practice really works. Science of Yoga offers clear explinations of the yoga practice, and provides insight on the direct affect yoga has on our physical and mental well-being. 

Yoga of the Subtle Body

Yoga of the Subtle Body is a mindful approach to learning the anataomy and physiology of yoga. This book dives into alignment and energy, breaking down yoga movements in simple terms. It also provides exercises allowing you to integrate what you learn into your daily yoga practice. 

The Four Agreements

Don Miguel Ruiz’s collection of The Four Agreements is a must read for those interested in philosophy. While the teachings are based in shamanism, they hold value across the board in spiritual practice. Similar to the yamas and niyamas, the four agreements offer mental restraints that help clear your mind and cultivate peace.

The Alchemist

The Alchemist is an easy, lighthearted read with a beautiful underlying message. While I love informative books, sometimes it’s nice to relax with a good story to help lift your spirits, and change your perspective. I highly recommend this read, it’s easy, quick, and thought provoking. 

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