About Me

Hello everyone!

My name is Sarah, I am 200hr certified yoga teacher currently living on the Island of Oahu. I decided to create this blog as a tool to those seeking a better understanding of the yoga practice, as well as teach ways to integrate the practice into our every day modernized lives. Here I’ll be sharing my experiences as both a student and a teacher as I continue to study the yoga and explore all this world has to offer.


I started my teaching journey when I was in my third year of college, I had just gotten back from the Disney College Program in Florida and was feeling inspired. I knew from the first yoga class I ever took that I wanted to teach, yoga has been a healing practice for me since day one and I wanted to share this new found gift with others. I guess you could say that Disney opened the doors for me to chase my dreams. I had met some incredible people, created some amazing memories, and saw the world from a whole new perspective.

During my teacher training, I experienced a huge shift. I started making healthier decisions pertaining to my overall well being and had successfully integrated the practice of yoga into my life. I was hired on as a substitute teacher at the studio I was training at and eventually secured a few classes of my own. I taught some freelance classes at

 the college I was attending and even landed a second gig at a country club. Finally, I found a home base, a studio where I taught full time and dedicated my energy to. I continued my college education while teaching until I graduated in 2017.

Shortly after graduation, I moved to the Island of Oahu with my boyfriend Kyle. I took a break from teaching for a while and focused on what the practice meant to me and how I was going to move forward. I knew that I wanted to participate in a 300hr teacher training program and continue my studies, I knew that I wanted to share my journey and help others. What I wasn’t sure of was how I was going to go about any of this. That’s when I decided to create a blog, a space where I can reach people from all over the world and share what I have learned. I want to provide information to those who don’t have the luxury of practicing in a studio setting. 

One of the main reasons I wanted to create a blog is that blogs and social media played a large role in my learning of the Yoga practice. If you’ve ever been a broke college kid you know the struggle of spending money on anything other than coffee and textbooks.

Most of my practice during my college years was done at home in the comforts of my room watching Youtube videos and trying Pinterest posts. I never actually thought in those days that I would be where I am now. Poses that I deemed impossible started to become a regular practice, opportunities to teach have presented themselves with ease, and I have grown tremendously as a person resulting in a new found confidence in myself both as a teacher and a student.While I am here to share information and help others in their practice, I am also here to learn. I want to know what your passions are, what keeps you going. I want to hear all about your journey and connect with you! This blog is just as much mine as it is yours, and I sincerely hope that you find something here that you can take with you as you venture forward.
