
Asana & Prana: The Vital Life Energy

Prana is the vital life energy that flows through every living thing on this earth. In Chinese medicine this energy is referred to as Chi. Many ancient cultures have an understanding of this energy, and it’s referenced in storytelling, traditional medicinal practices, and yogic philosophy. Understanding prana, and the subtle body systems, can drastically change the way you approach your asana practice.

Prana and the Asana

So what do the yoga postures, or asana, have to do with prana? The yoga postures are practiced for a number of reasons. One of those reasons, is to help regulate the energetic body. Certain postures tap into these energy centers known as chakras, and can help remove blockages, allowing for prana to flow more freely in the body. When prana flows freely and effectively, the body is less likely to fall to emotional and physical ailments.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that regulating your prana is the end all be all for disease. However, balancing your bodies vital life energy can drastically change your emotional and physical state of being. Ever get that yoga high after savasana? That’s from an abundance of prana flowing through your body post practice. To tap into the sensations of the subtle body, and build your personal awareness of prana, check out my audio course on Insight Timer, Explore the World Within: Master that Art of the Subtle Body Systems.

The Chakras and Nadis

Listen, I know the chakras can seem a little esoteric, but hear me out ok? Prana is believed to flow through invisible pathways in the body called nadis. Similar to how energy flows through your nervous system, or blood flows through your veins. While there are hundreds of thousands of these energy highways in your body, there are a few major nadis that break off into smaller pathways throughout your body. One of these major nadis is called the shashumna nadi.

The shashumna nadi runs up and down your spine and is considered a major energy center in your body. Along the shashumna nadi there are vortexes of energy in constant motion called chakras. There are 7 major chakra points that run up and down your spine. Each chakra contains energy with certain characteristics that effect your emotions, physical body and overall state of mind.

Still with me? I know, it’s a lot of info but this is where the nitty gritty aspects of the yoga practice start.

Energy and Equanimity

When your chakras are balanced and shashumna nadi is cleared from obstruction, then prana can flow up through the center channel of the spine. You can achieve this using the tools of asana, pranayama, and meditation. When you send energy up your spine and into the crown of your head, that’s when you reach various states of mind. Achieving higher states of consciousness and cultivating equanimity, is there the true magic of the yoga practice occurs. To learn more about the energetic body and the tools of pranayama, check out my new part theory, part practice audio course. In this course we’ll dive deep into the energetics of the subtle body, and use practical tools to help you achieve a calmer, more aware state of being.

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