
The Ayurvedic Constitutions: Kapha Dosha

Kapha dosha is one of three constitutions used in ayurveda. Each dosha is a combination of two of the five ayurvedic elements, air, ether, water, fire, and earth. The doshas are used to categorize a person’s body type in order to create habits and routines that help prevent dis-ease. Earth and water are the two elements that make up kapha dosha.

Kapha Dosha in Mind and Body

Ayurvedic practitioners can determine your born dosha, or prakriti by looking at your current habits, external features, and energy levels. It is possible to self asses and discover your dosha, however it’s best to consult with an ayurvedic practitioner. A practitioner will have an unbiased perspective and therefore a more accurate depiction of your doshic qualities.

Kapha Body Type:

Kapha dosha has a sturdy body type with round features and typically has dense bones. Their skin is cool and often moist or oily. Kapha people have large, welcoming eyes that are deep brown or a rich blue color. Their digestion is regular and they are heavy sleepers often sleeping soundly through the night for a solid 6-8 hours.

Consequently, getting too much sleep is not good for Kapha dosha. Kapha constitutions need to balance out their passive energy with regular movement practices and benefit from strong firey movements to lift their mood. They are known for their stamina and while Kapha dosha may not be the fastest, they can maintain a steady pace for prolonged periods of time.

Kapha Digestion:

Due to Kapha dosha’s wet qualities, they often have a low appetite in the early hours of the day. This can lead to sluggish digestion. It’s important for Kapha dosha to eat warm foods that stabilize their metabolism and provide them with healthy energy.

To avoid imbalance, Kapha dosha should avoid foods that are too oily or dense. Instead, eating smaller meals with warm, light qualities can lift Kaphas mood and strengthen their digestion. Kapha dosha is the only dosha that does not require a full meal for breakfast. However, eating something small and warm, such as stewed apples, can keep kapha’s metabolism balanced and boost their appetite for later meals.

Kapha Personality:

Out of balance, kapha dosha can lack drive, become depressed, and fatigue easily. Due to Kaphas earth-like qualities, they’re energy can grow heavy and stagnant. When kapha constitutions are in balance, they are gentle, compassionate, and nurturing. They make loyal friends and great listeners. Children who are dominant in kapha dosha may seem wise beyond their years as kapha’s compassionate heart allows them to understand others perspectives more easily.

Kapha Dosha Overview:

Those who are dominant in kapha dosha are dominant in the elements earth and water. To balance these elements, kapha dosha should favor warm foods with bitter and pungent flavors. Kapha dosha is the only dosha that does not require three full meals throughout the day. It is typical for thos dominant in kapha dosha, to have slow digestion and therefore no appetite in the morning. However, kapha dosha still needs to sustain their energy. While it’s tempting to skip breafast for kapha dominant people, eating a small snack of stewed apples, or drinking warm, spiced teas can jumpstart kaphas metabolism. To avoid sluggishness, those dominant in kapha dosha should exercise regularly with invigorating practices such as a strength based yoga practice, or kick boxing.

When kapha dosha people are in balance, they are a powerhouse. Being fully present, consistent, and compassionate are kapha dosha’s best qualities. Their nurturing demeanor makes them a great friend and their stamina allows them to work diligently on the tasks their given.

Want to learn more about your ayurvedic dosha? Check out Prakriti Your Ayurvedic Constitution by Dr. Robert E. Svoboda.

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