pitta dosha diet

The Three Ayurvedic Doshas: Pitta Dosha

The ayurvedic doshas are used to categorize energy and are sorted based on the five elements of water, fire, air, ether, and earth. Doshas are used to determine an individual’s body type which allows practitioners to then find balance in their bodies and minds through diet, lifestyle, and routine. Pitta dosha is comprised of fire and water and has hot, sharp, acidic, and oily qualities. Balancing pitta dosha means inviting more air, ether, and earth elements into your lifestyle.

Pitta in Mind and Body

While we all have the five elements within our bodies, it is possible to be dominant in certain elements over others. You can observe what elements you’re dominant in by observing your physical body, behaviors, and personality.

Still, it’s important to consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner to ensure your body’s born dosha or prakriti. Sometimes we may present as a certain dosha due to a current imbalance. However, once that imbalance is corrected, you present as your prakriti. An ayurvedic practitioner will be able to help you determine whether you are truly a certain dosha or not based on numerous factors such as physical features, digestion, heart rate, and personality traits.

Pitta Body Type:

Pitta people have a strong physical body and can pack on visible muscle easily. Despite their appetite, pittas have a hard time losing or gaining weight. Their hair is usually straight and light, ranging from blonde to light brown. Pitta’s eyes are often almond-shaped and very intense to match their intense personalities.

When it comes to movement, those who are dominant in pitta can be quite competitive. They build heat in their bodies quickly and produce a decent amount of sweat. Pitta people have a steady flow of energy and enjoy fast-paced movements that challenge their physical abilities. Consequently, it’s important to not overdue the intense workouts so as not to overheat pitta’s already firey system.

Pitta Digestion:

Due to the heat created during the digestion process, the element of fire rules over the digestive organs. This means pitta people have strong digestion and their hunger is consistent. However, pitta out of balance can develop gastrointestinal symptoms such as acid reflux and ulcers.

In order to maintain healthy digestion, pitta constitutions should eat cooling foods and favor bitter, astringent, and sweet tastes. They are the only dosha that can regularly eat raw fruits and vegetables and should avoid foods with a hot, sour flavor. Eating three solid meals at regular times each day will help pitta people stay balanced and avoid an overabundance of digestive fire.

Pitta Personality:

Competitive, intense, and short-tempered are all personality traits for pitta-dominant people. However, pitta constitalso be incredibly driven, outgoing leaders. Their personality can dominate a conversation or social situation quickly, but in balance, pitta people’s intentions are always for the good of the group. Their mix of fire and water allows them to be outgoing while still aware of others’ emotions and needs. They are quick to take action on goals and are always up for a challenge.

Pitta Dosha Overview:

Pitta people are firey in both their body and mind, but it’s important to remember their softer emotional qualities as well. With the balance of water, pitta people can become strong allies and leaders in their community. Out of balance, pitta people can be overly competitive and quick to anger.

Consequently, it is important to invite stillness and cooling activities into pitta people’s daily routine. This will ensure their fire doesn’t burn out of control. Practicing yin yoga, meditation, and slow restorative activities can aid pittas in finding balance. Additionally, favoring sweet, astringent, and bitter tastes pacify pittas digestive fire. While raw fruits and veggies are perfect for pittas, it’s important not to overdo it with the leafy green veggies. too many leafy greens can present an excess of air in the body. This excess of air can feed pittas natural fire and throw them off balance.

Take this free dosha quiz to see what dosha you’re dominant in! Remember it’s always best to consult with an ayurvedic practitioner to discover your born dosha or prakriti.

pitta dosha is comprised of fire and water

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