Ayurveda and the three doshas

What are the Ayurvedic Doshas?

Ayurveda is referred to as the sister science of yoga and consists of lifestyle, diet, and routine to maintain balance in your physical, mental, and emotional body. Using the elements of earth, fire, water, air, and ether, Ayurveda helps prevent dis-ease within your body and mind. By discovering your personal Prakriti, your Ayurvedic constitution, you can learn how to implement Ayurveda into your daily life.

The Three Ayurvedic Doshas

Each ayurvedic dosha is comprised of two of the five elements within the ayurvedic system. While each individual holds all five elements within them, people tend to be dominant in certain elements over others. When someone is dominant in specific elements, they then get categorized into one of the doshas of constitutions.

It’s important to note that your prakriti, or natural-born constitution may not seem dominant during each stage of your life. That’s because we can have imbalances that cause dis-ease due to an imbalance of one of the other three elements you are not normally dominant in. This means that at certain times, you may have more pitta qualities present but your natural constitution is still vata. In this scenario, your vata qualities are being overthrown by the pitta imbalance. This is where the help of a trained ayurvedic practitioner is needed, to know and understand your prakriti.

Vata Dosha Qualities

Vata is one of the three ayurvedic doshas and is comprised of air and ether. The qualities of vata are dry, light, and rough. Those classified as vata dosha may be small-framed, spacey, fast talkers, and spontaneous. They tend to be irregular in nature, light sleepers, and are easily anxious.

Being dominant in air and ether, vata doshas need to incorporate foods and routines that bring more heated, steady elements. Eating regular meals that are hot and oily, sticking to sleep schedule, and following through on current tasks before starting new ones, are all small habits vatas can do to find some balance.

Pitta Dosha Qualities

Pitta people have more fire and water within them and have hot, sharp, and oily qualities. Those dominant in pitta dosha can be quick to anger or frustration and are physically strong. Pittas think quickly on their feet, making sound decisions and excelling in arguments.

Having mostly fire and water within them, pitta people need cool, fibrous foods that utilize their strong digestive power. Due to their competitive nature, pitta people need to leave space in their day for soothing activities such as meditation, and gentle yoga practices. It is important that those dominant in pitta don’t physically or mentally overexert themselves towards the end of the day. This can lead to an overactive mind and body and disrupt pitta’s natural sleep pattern.

Kapha Dosha Qualities

Kapha dosha is comprised of water and earth and has smooth, cool, and clammy qualities. Those dominant in kapha are steady, well-built, and loving individuals. Kaphas have a rash mind and can often be seen as wise.

Due to the earth element, Kapha dominant individuals need to maintain steady movement throughout their day to avoid sluggishness. Bringing dry, heated qualities to their diet and routine can help them find a sense of balance. Often sensitive, kapha people can also be calm and understanding.

How the Doshas Work

An individual can be dominant in one of the three doshas or be dominant in two of the three doshas. There are seven classifications of doshas that someone might fall under. This is where the help of an ayurvedic professional comes in handy.

If you would like to learn more about the doshas I highly recommend the book Prakriti: Your Ayurvedic Constitution.

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