practice yoga at home

Create Your Own Home Yoga Practice

Having a solid routine and home yoga practice is a life saver when it comes to maintaining consistency and reaping the benefits of the practice. 2020 brought to light just how reliant most of us are on our studios and gyms, and left many feeling like they couldn’t keep up with their daily yoga routine.

While it’s always nice to go to class to move and breathe with your fellow students, it can also be extremely limiting if that’s the only time you get to practice on your mat. Trust me, I know it’s always easier to have the accountability of your community and teachers, but as we learned form the pandemic, it’s not always accessible.

Don’t worry though, I have a few tips and tricks to help you start your very own at home yoga practice. Once you implement these habits and get into a solid routine, you won’t have to worry about falling off of your practice if you don’t have regular access to a studio in the future.

How to establish a home yoga practice

Having a home yoga practice isn’t just great for when you can’t make it to the studio. A home yoga practice can be extremely beneficial in many ways! While following along with a teacher when taking class is great, it can also limit the amount of exploration in your personal practice. While I love taking class as much as the next student, teachers can’t read your mind. As a teacher myself, I can attest that we don’t always know whats going on in your body and mind on any given day. This is where stepping into the role of being your very own teacher at home comes in handy. Only you know how your body feels and what you need from your practice. Establishing a home yoga routine can be liberating and bring you deeper your body and mind.

Of course there are some challenges with a home yoga practice as well. Finding the time and space to practice can be difficult, especially if you have roommates or family members living with you. The amount of distractions at home is also much greater than the distractions you might face in studio. Regardless, that doesn’t mean you can’t practice at home, you just need a little creativity to set yourself up for success! Here are my tips and tricks for creating your very own at home yoga practice.

Set up your space

  1. Find a quiet, comfortable space in your home. Keep in mind that quiet is relative, if you’ve got kids or pets your quiet will most likely look different from somebody who lives alone.
  2. Ensure that you have enough space to move in and out of postures safely. You might need to modify your movements to achieve this, that’s ok!
  3. Fill your space with calming elements, maybe a salt lamp, essential oils, candles or incense. Have fun here but don’t go overboard – too much clutter can be distracting.
  4. If you can, designate this space strictly to yoga and meditation. When you do so, it’s easier to create a routine. This also allows your mind to fall into a calm state more quickly as overtime your mind will associate your space with the grounding sensations of the practice.

It’s important to note that this space does not have to be a separate room in your home. While having an entire room dedicated to your practice is great, it’s not always feasible for everyone. Practicing in a corner of your bedroom, in a nook somewhere in your living room, or even outside on your porch can all be great spaces to establish your practice in!

Create your practice schedule

You don’t have to practice every single day especially if you’re just starting out. You also don’t have to skip out on your regular studio classes. A home yoga practice should work in conjunction with your studio schedule, your work schedule, and your home life.

Pick 2-3 days out of the week that you can commit to your home practice and actually schedule it in. Write it down in your planner, put a reminder in your phone do whatever you need to do to help yourself remember. I’m not just talking about scheduling in the day, schedule out a time to practice. If you can practice at the same time every day, perfect, if not no worries! You might practice in the morning before work one day and at night before bed the next. There is no right or wrong when it comes to the time of your practice, just schedule one and actually stick to it!

It’s best to start off small here. If you try to go all out and commit to practicing six out of the seven days of the week when you normally only practice twice a week at your local studio, you might be setting yourself up for failure. When you go all out right away you’re more likely to get burnt out or frustrated if you miss a day or two. If you decide on practicing two days at home but you’re feeling really inspired to practice on one of your off days, go for it! It’s better to start small and add in as you go.

Set up a routine before and after you practice

This can be simple but so effective! It’s easy to forget that once you’re done practicing, you’re most likely going to need some time to shower and get ready for your next task of the day. Setting up a routine before and after your practice will not only motivate you to make it to your mat, but it will also ensure that you’re scheduling in enough time to take care of your needs prior to practice and when your practice ends.

If you’re like me then you enjoy all things cozy like coffee, warm tea, incense, soothing music etc. If you’re practicing in the morning and you’re a coffee drinker, maybe make your coffee and enjoy it in your yoga space while you journal, read a book, or just enjoy the simplicity of your cozy cup of joe! This can be just 10 minutes of simple, self loving gestures to help you appreciate your home yoga routine rather than it feeling like a chore.

Same goes for after practice. Take another 10-15 minutes to simply be and breathe. Once again, you can journal, read a short passage from a book, or meditate after practice. implementing these habits can help you ease your mind and body in and out of your practice.

Now, before you’re like I don’t have time for all of this, hear me out!

The time dilemma

Time is the biggest objection when it comes to establishing new habits and routines, and trust me I get it! I work from home and feel like there’s never enough hours in the day to get everything done. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t prioritize our own mental and physical wellbeing.

Practicing yoga and meditation at home can help prepare your mind and body for a productive day. it can also be a great break from your busy work life. When you take time to fill up your own cup, you can show up in your work, relationships, and overall life in a much more meaningful state. We all know this by now, but it can still be difficult do practice.

It’s important to keep in mind that your practice does not have to be a whole hour or two of your time. Your practice can be a simple 20 minute feel good flow, or even a 10 minute gentle, moving meditation. Of course it’s great if you can dedicate more time to your practice but it’s not always practical or necessary.

Your home practice will be unique to you and grow over time. Remember, it’s best to start off small and build your way up! I hope you enjoy these tips and tricks for establishing your own home yoga routine.

Happy practicing yogis!

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