yoga journal magazine

Yoga Journal Magazine, and the #yogawarrior Contest

What it would mean to win the Yoga Journal magazine’s #yogawarrior contest

You guys, the opportunity of a lifetime has come for me and I could not be more excited about what I’m going to share…I have been selected to win a two page feature in Yoga Journal magazine, along with $10,000 prize money – yep, it’s truly a life changing opportunity!

If you’re new here, let me introduce myself

yoga journal magazine
Photo by @justdylwithit

I am Sarah, a 26 year old yoga instructor living on the island of O’ahu Hawai’i. I have been teaching yoga for nearly 7 years! This blog was created as a way to share the practice of yoga with those who don’t have access to a studio or teacher.

When I first started learning yoga I was in college. I had no time and no money to continuously take studio classes in order to practice. So I turned to online resources like Youtube, Pinterest, and blogs to learn, and practice at home. Once I received my teacher training certification, I wanted to bring my teachings and experience to the online space. My hope is to give back the same way other teachers had done for me when I was first learning.

During the creation of this blog, I was teaching yoga full-time, and working full-time at Lululemon in Honolulu. I was in love with what I was doing – teaching, building connections, and building community – but I was also super drained. Teaching yoga in studio is a humbling career, it pays the bills, but it’s not always very fruitful. That’s why, most teachers turn to workshops, trainings, and continuing education seminars. It is one of the few ways to actually make a decent living as a yoga instructor. While I will eventually host my own yoga teacher training, I want to ensure that I am creating a unique experience, and paying homage to the cultural tradition of yoga. In fact, juggling three jobs, and waiting for an opportunity to further my yoga career was my reality up until 2020.

What it would mean to win…

When the pandemic hit home in the U.S I, like many other yoga instructors, found myself out of a job. I had just quit Lululemon in hopes of going full-time as a yoga blogger, and digital creator. Teaching yoga was my one stable income, and it was pulled out from underneath me. Thinking quickly, I decided to invest in an online coaching program, Rachel Bell’s OCA (online coach accelerator). I had joined a network marketing business a few years prior, as a way to monetize my blog in it’s early days. My plan was to utilize the marketing strategy and tools from OCA in order to stabilize my income online.

When I started OCA I thought I would put this info to use in my marketing business. However, I ended up missing teaching yoga so much, that I pivoted last minute and finally decided to create my very own signature yoga program. Having a two page spread in Yoga Journal would be an incredible introduction as I step into this new role as an online yoga instructor. Not to mention the $10,000 which would help me reach my goal of becoming a 500hr certified yoga instructor, and a trained Ayurvedic practitioner.

The timing of Yoga Journal’s contest could not be more perfect!

I’ve been dreaming up this opportunity for the last 7 years! I remember reading Yoga Journal before my teacher training program. In fact, I made it a goal to one day be featured in Yoga Journal magazine! I watched some of my favorite teachers and yogis grace the cover, and I’ve been able to learn aspects of the yoga practice from perspectives I would have otherwise never had the opportunity to hear from. I truly value the information Yoga Journal provides to yogis across the globe!

Losing a job in 2020, going through OCA, re-discovering my love of teaching yoga, and stepping into my voice as a yoga instructor has led me to this opportunity right here. The chance to finally invest in deepening my education and impact as yoga practitioner. It would be amazing being featured in a magazine that I have turned to many times for education, and inspiration. The more I learn and grow, the more I hope to give back. I love blogging and harboring this community, and I’ve so much enjoyed finding new ways to teach through social media. I never want to stop provided free, and accessible education to those seeking a way to learn and practice yoga. It is through opportunities like Yoga Journal’s #yogawarrior project that I can continue to learn and share.

Yoga journals yoga warrior contest

How does it work, and who does it benefit?

This competition is not about me. In fact, it benefits Veterans Yoga Project – an organization dedicated to moving veterans through PTSD and into personal growth. Yoga can be an incredible practice of healing and self transformation. I know I am not alone when I say that yoga has changed my life. Through mindfulness, breathwork, and yogic philosophy, I have been able to move through anxiety and live life with more ease. Veterans Yoga Project provides classes, workshops, and trainings to help veterans do just that! The profound impact yoga can have on our physical, mental, and spiritual health is well known. Which is why I love doing what I can to support fellow yogis, organizations, and communities that are making an impact through this practice.

How can you help me win a feature in Yoga Journal magazine?

In order to move on to the next round, and enter for a chance to win, I need votes! I am so grateful to have you here following along on my journey, and I would be forever thankful if you could cast your vote! Click here, and help me win Yoga Journals #yogawarrior contest!

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