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Three Ayurvedic Habits To Include In Your Daily Routine

Ayurveda is considered the sister science of yoga. It is a holistic, medicinal practice focused on the prevention of disease. Through application of the Ayurvedic practice, it is believed that you can find a state of balance both physically and energetically. By incorporating both Ayurveda and yoga into your life, you can aid your body in maintaining its natural state of health and wellbeing.

I first came across Ayurveda through my teacher training program, and I’ve been researching and implementing Ayurveda into my life ever since! While the study of Ayurveda can be confusing at first, there are many aspects of the practice that are simple and effective. Here are three, easy to do Ayurvedic practices that you can incorporate into your daily routine.

Tongue Scraping

Tongue scraping is used to remove excess ama, or undigested food from your tongue. In Ayurveda, ama is believed to be the source of disease. When undigested food remains in your body, it gets stored as toxins in the lymphatic system. These toxins, or ama, are what cause imbalance and eventual disease. By scraping your tongue in the morning not only are you removing ama, but you’re also getting rid of bacteria that can cause bad breath.

How to:

You don’t have to have a fancy tongue scraping tool in order to remove ama from your tongue. You can always use the concave side of a spoon. Some tooth brushes have a textured backside intended to scrape the tongue with too.

In order to use a spoon though, place the spoon on the back of your tongue, add some gentle pressure as you slide the spoon towards the tip of your tongue. Rinse off your spoon, then repeat until you’ve scraped the entire surface of your tongue.

Dry Brushing

Dry brushing has been known to increase circulation, massage the lymphatic system, and remove dead, dry skin cells. While it might not sound enjoyable, dry brushing can feel really nice, especially if done with a soft bristled brush.

How to:

Start with your limbs, I like to start with my arms. Place the brush on the back of your palm, add gentle pressure, and brush up towards your heart. You want long even strokes so take your time and enjoy it! I like starting with my arms, then legs, then torso. I typically don’t dry brush my neck or face since my skin is more sensitive in those areas.

Self Massage With Oil

Traditionally, a self administered oil massage is called an abhyanga. If you tend to have oily skin you can skip the oil and do a dry massage instead. Not only can self administered oil massage soothe your nervous system but it rehydrates your body from the inside out. It’s perfect to practice after dry brushing, and even better if you practice before you shower or bathe. When you dry brush then do an oil massage before you bathe, you’re not just removing dead skin. You’re rehydrating the newly exposed skin cells, and opening up your pores with the warm water to further hydrate the rest of your body. It’s an incredibly relaxing practice to get into!

How to:

Before you shower, dry brush and then give yourself an oil massage. Coconut oil is my personal favorite since it is easily accessible and cooling. Start with your limbs and massage up towards your heart, similar to dry brushing. I like to use a little on my face too to help remove my makeup. Most oils, especially coconut oil, are rich in vitamins that nourish your skin and preserve elasticity. So not only is it incredibly rehydrating for your body, but it aids in slowing down the aging process of your skin too.

Why Tongue Scraping, Dry Brushing, and Oil Massage is Important

These three habits are some of the easiest to incorporate into your daily lifestyle. You don’t need anything fancy to do so either. In fact most of the tools needed you probably have laying around your home already. While your body is naturally trying to create a state of balance, it sometimes needs your help in order to maintain it’s health. These three habits are not only cleansing for your body, but they can be incredibly soothing acts of self care. I encourage you to try at least one of these three habits for a week. You will be surprised at how easy it is to incorporate into your routine.

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