why you should switch to a menstrual cup

Why I ditched tampons and switched to a menstrual cup

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Ladies, let’s talk about periods. I know it’s not the most exciting conversation, but let’s be honest – it needs to happen. Feminine hygiene products are changing and for a good reason. Most of the well-known pad and tampon brands you see on the market these days are LOADED with carcinogens and chemicals that can affect your reproductive health. Not to mention the monthly cost of keeping up with your cycle, and the environmental cost of production and waste disposal.

But I’m not here to dive into those details, mainly because you’ve probably already done your research. Most women I talk to these days are aware of the harmful chemicals found in feminine products. In fact, most women I know have already switched to safer brands that cut out the chemicals and provide non-toxic feminine care and protection.

So why switch to a menstrual cup if you’ve already got a safe alternative? There are loads of reasons, starting off with cost, and ending in convenience. Let’s dive into the benefits of the menstrual cup, as well as a zero BS review of my personal experience.

Why I chose the cup

I wasn’t sold on the menstrual cup when I first heard about it. It sounded great but almost too good to be true. I knew it was better for the environment and that it cuts out plastic applicators, and reduces the amount of waste we create monthly. But a cup that holds my menstrual blood…that didn’t sound appealing.

Ultimately, what made me make the switch was the cost. I was so sick of spending $35 a month on hygiene products, especially knowing there were multiple alternatives. Spending $40 annually was too appealing to pass up.

Why I chose the cup over other alternatives

All in all, the cup seemed to fit my lifestyle the best. I liked the idea of an annual purchase vs a monthly purchase. Not to mention the simplicity of having one product rather than a whole box of supplies. I think the #1 reason I chose a cup though, was because I could leave it in for up to 12 hours. There’s little to no inconvenience once you get the hang of it.

Normally, on my heavy days, I would have to change my tampon every 3-4 hours. I could never leave the house without multiple backups just in case. Not to mention that tampons are not exactly trail-friendly. As an avid hiker, camper, and climber, I hated having to stuff my used toiletries in a ziploc and carry them with me. The cup is much more convenient and takes up less space when packing my bag for adventures.

My honest experience and review

I’m not going to lie, there is a learning curve to the menstrual cup. The first month using it I realized this right away. To begin, there are multiple ways you can insert the cup, and figuring out what way works best for you is simply learning through trial and error. Not to mention, if you put the cup in wrong, it won’t suction well and you’ll end up leaking. Definitely invest in some liners for your first few months until you get the hang of it.

Also, I’m embarrassed to admit that it took me nearly 45 minutes the first time I tried to take the cup out. You have to be comfortable getting all up in your own business in order to remove a cup…it’s quite an art. Trust me when I say, stick with it! It is 110% worth the initial fuss to figure out. My periods are now stress-free knowing that I have a rock-solid form of protection.

How to clean your menstrual cup

Understandably, most women worry about the cleaning process of a menstrual cup. I honestly thought this would be an issue for me, but it really isn’t that bad – I promise. I invested in the P.S check out my post about yoga poses to reduce period pains and bloat, learn how to nurture your body through yoga when you’re on your cycle

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