
Gratitude Mapping and The Law of Attraction

I have been on a manifestation high lately and I am loving it! If you haven’t read my post about manifesting your dream life, I recommend you take a look after reading this. As conscious beings, we have the ability to create whatever life we want for ourselves. It all starts with us, our energy and our vibe affect the world around us. Adopting an attitude of gratitude may help us out in life in more ways than we think.

Gratitude and the Brain

Science has shown, that people who hold more gratitude tend to work through stress easier, are able to release toxic emotions quicker, and can build stronger connections with others more naturally. Gratitude has also been known to help fight off anxiety and depression, as well as increase our self-esteem and mental resiliency. When we hold gratitude in our hearts, our overall energy shifts to a more positive vibration.

Gratitude and the Law Of Attraction

Having a strong sense of gratitude can aid in the process of manifestation. Since gratitude is a large, high vibrational feeling, it can shift our overall vibration into a positive one. When we have a positive vibration, we are more likely to attract the things we desire. This is because of the Law of Attraction. If you haven’t read the Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks then you’re missing out. This book is a total game-changer when it comes to manifestation.

the law of attraction, gratitude journaling, jerry hicks, esther hicks, abraham hicks.

The Law of Attraction is the belief that our thoughts and emotions attract like-minded experiences into our lives. When it comes to manifestation, we can know what we want to manifest and we can think about that thing all day long. However, if our personal vibration is negative, and our mindset is too, then we won’t be very successful.

Our personal vibration is not one that operates on written language. Our personal vibration is composed of our feelings and experiences. This means that by cultivating feelings of gratitude, we can raise our personal vibration to match the vibration of whatever joy we’re trying to manifest!

Gratitude Mapping

There are tons of different ways you can cultivate a sense of gratitude. Most people stick to creating a gratitude list every morning. For me personally, I don’t like the list set up. I get redundant with what I write down, and it ends up feeling like a chore.

instead, I do a gratitude map. I’ve seen this done a few different ways but here’s my favorite…

gratitude mapping, the law of attraction, and maifestation.

I write down one thing I’m grateful for in the middle of my page. In this instance, it was my cats…I’m a crazy fur mom – I know. Then I branch out and write down all of the reasons I am grateful for my cats. I get specific! writing down moments that bring me joy, like holding my cat as she watches birds out the window, or playing with them as they hunt a shoelace. This already puts me in a joyful mood, as I find animals endlessly entertaining.

Once I’m done with my gratitude map, I take a list of how I’m feeling. It is the feeling of these moments that I am trying to recreate with my new manifestations, not necessarily the physical manifestations themselves. This is a huge realization when it comes to manifestation, and the idea came from the Law of Attraction book I spoke about earlier.

When we focus on the feeling of whatever it is we are trying to manifest, the easier the manifestation will come. By focusing on the feeling, we are in turn putting ourselves in a vibrational state that matches the vibrational state of what we want. When it comes to manifestation and the law of attraction, feelings are stronger than thoughts and words.

olomana three peaks, gratitude mapping, the law of attraction and manifestation

If you want to learn more about the law of attraction and related topics, I highly recommend checking out Esther and Jerry’s books. I am not in partnership with Esther and Jerry, I’m simply sharing my experiences of this topic utilizing the information and practices given in their writings.

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