chakra three manipura

Chakra Three: Confidence and Willpower

Moving on up in the chakra system! If you haven’t read my posts on chakra one and two then I encourage you to read those first. The chakra system builds upon itself, therefore it’s important to understand chakra one and two before diving into three.

The Basics

The third chakra can be extremely energizing when we start to tap in. The energy of the third chakra is fire, and the Sanskrit name is Manipura meaning lustrous gem. The element of fire, and the third chakra, deal heavily in the process of transformation. Therefore, personal growth and development is ruled by chakra three. Located between the navel and the solar plexus, the third chakra correlates with our core and digestive system.

Emotionally, the third chakra deals with our sense of self, confidence and will power are large components of our third chakra space. If we are unstable in our first and second chakra, it can be challenging to find balance in our third. We need the grounding of the first chakra to recognize ourselves in relation to the world around us. Additionally, we need the emotional intelligence of the second chakra to understand our will power and self-worth.

Chakra Three in Excess

When our chakra three is overly charged, we are often quick to anger. Having an over-confident or cocky personality can also be a sign of chakra three in excess. Often times it is difficult to understand other perspectives and work in groups. Many people with an excess in their third chakra may be selfish and quick to judge. Having issues with control, whether it’s being too controlling, or it’s giving up control, is evidence of an imbalance in the third chakra.

Chakra Three Deficiency

However, when we are underdeveloped in our third chakra we have low self-esteem. We may be shy or worried and our judgments of others stem from a place of lack. Often times those who are deficient in their third chakra will have a collapsed posture and midsection. There is a lack of will power resulting in poor decision-making abilities, and an inability to meet deadlines. Physical energy may also suffer, leaving feelings of sluggishness and a lack of motivation. Willingly giving up one’s power, or a lack of assertiveness can also be evidence of an underactive third chakra.

Chakra Three in Balance

When the third chakra energy is balanced so is our digestion. Our energy levels are stable, and we are confident in ourselves and our decision making abilities. There is a strong connection with our legs, hips, and core. This gives us a stable, strong lower body and improved posture.

Additionally, having a balanced third chakra can improve our relationship no only with ourselves, but others as well. We are able to listen easier, and lose harsh judgments about others. We are not as quick to anger, although anger is a normal emotion to have, it does not overtake our lives.

Furthermore, when our third chakra is balanced we are eager to take on tasks. Learning, growing, and evolving are all principles of the third chakra. This provides us with purpose and further strengthens our will and thirst for knowledge. It is also a huge reason why having a balanced second chakra is so important. Before we can evolve, we first must be comfortable with the idea of change.

If you’re interested in learning more about chakra three, feel free to ask me a question in the comments below. I also highly recommend taking a look at Anodea Judith’s work, Wheels of Life is my absolute favorite book when it comes to learning about the chakra system.

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