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The Art of Manifestation: 5 Steps Towards Manifesting Your Dreams

If you follow me on social media then you know I’ve been on a manifestation kick lately and I’m not mad about it!
The power of manifestation is strong when approached correctly and everyone has the ability to tap into this power.

Manifestation is the idea that our thoughts become our reality and if we consciously choose to map out what we want from life, we have the ability to create it. People manifest all sorts of things; new jobs, new home, more money, love, health etc. The power of manifestation is only as limited as you make it!

Don’t get me wrong though, the process of manifestation can be challenging. It requires an insane amount of mental energy, and the reason most people don’t believe manifestation works is because they give up before they’ve ever actually tried. Manifestation is not just about our thoughts, it requires consistent action if we want to move forward.

It’s also important to know that while we can manifest and put in all this work, the universe, God, whoever or whatever you believe in, may have other plans. If You’re trying to manifest something that you believe serves your highest vibrational self, then chances are it will happen. However, our intention is everything and manifestation will not happen in your favor if you’re moving from a low vibration!

Which brings me to my first point…

Discover Your Intention

It’s important to know where your intention is stemming from. Is it because you believe you deserve the goodness your manifesting, or is it stemming from a low vibrational thought? When you can understand your intention and where the intention stems from, you can begin to manifest the things you need in order to serve that intention.

The power of manifestation is a high vibrational power. Negativity, lack mentality, spite or lack of love in oneself can lower your vibration going into this process. When we have a low vibration it’s really hard to tap into the power of manifestation.

Get Specific

Say you’re trying to manifest a new job. Ask yourself why you want this job. Is it for the money? If so, what salary range are you looking for? Is it for the work/life balance? Then how many hours are you willing to work, and how much vacation time do you need?

Dive into the nitty-gritty details of exactly what it is you’re Manifesting. You need to know what you’re trying to achieve and the universe/god/whatever needs to know too. When you’re clear in your intention and you start to fill in the details, you’ll notice a surge of excitement run through you. This is good! This excitement raises your vibration which makes tapping into the manifestation mindset easier!

Talk About It!

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Speak it into existence, write about it, post about it, let people know what you’re working towards! You never know who has insights to offer and a simple conversation with someone can leave you feeling inspired.

Talking about it also helps hold you accountable to put in the work. Manifestation is a two-way street, you can ask all you want but if you’re not putting in the work on your end it won’t happen, period.

Which brings me to my next point…

Take Action

Do you want that new job? Cool, start the application process. You can’t expect life to hand you everything you need when you need it. That rarely happens as is and it certainly won’t happen just by you asking…sorry to burst your bubble.

You can be as clear as you want with the universe, you can talk to as many people about your goals as you want, but if you’re not willing to put in the work, what you seek may never come.

But Sarah, I thought we were manifesting…doesn’t that mean it will present itself in due time?

Sure it will! If you truly want that new job and you’ve been clear in your motive, you’ve talked to all the right people then there’s a chance you might just talk to someone who can offer you the job you seek.

Your chances are greater however if you create a portfolio, a cover letter, a resume. If you start applying to jobs that fit your needs. Maybe you go back to school to brush up on a skill this job requires. All of these steps are action steps that can bring you closer to your end goal.

Stay Inspired

Manifestation is not always the fastest process so don’t fret. Keep yourself inspired by surrounding yourself with like-minded people who are going to keep you in check when you start to doubt.

If you’d rather keep your manifestations to yourself no worries! Create a dream board full of pictures and quotes that relate to your goal. Make sure you place it somewhere you can see every day so you’re constantly reminded to work on your mindset.

It seems silly but a little affirmation goes a long way!

Expect the Unexpected

Manifestation is not a cut and dry process, therefore the outcome might not be quite what you expect. Be open to all possibilities and know that sometimes our desires manifest differently than intended.

Let’s go back to that job example. Maybe you were trying to manifest a job with high pay and lots of vacation so you can spend more time with your family. After months of manifesting you finally get offered a job that pays pretty well, and doesn’t require a lot of hours per week. On top of that, you have a three week vacation period, but the job is not in your field. It isn’t exactly what you’re looking for but it is offering you everything you’ve been wanting. I’d say go for it anyway!

You never truly know what opportunities are going to present themselves when you open yourself up to the idea of something new. Keep your eyes peeled for unexpected outcomes as you manifest, sometimes the universe knows what we need better than ourselves.

Wanna talk about what you’re manifesting? Let me know what you’re manifesting in the comments below!

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