kangen water alkaline water 9.5 PH

Why I Started Drinking Hydrogen Rich Alkaline Water

Alkaline water is water that has been altered to have a PH of 9.5 to match the body’s ideal PH. Factors such as diet, illness, excessive exercise and environment can all alter our bodies’ natural PH creating a more acidic house for our organs and tissues. When our body is in a highly acidic state, we are more susceptible to illness and complications such as heartburn, chronic fatigue, and inflammation. if we are in an acidic state for prolonged periods of time, we can develop even more serious illnesses.

While our body will naturally do its job in trying to balance out an abundance of acidity, the belief behind drinking alkaline water is that we can aid this process and return to a balanced PH quicker. This doesn’t mean that after one glass of alkaline water, our body is back to baseline. However, through consistently incorporating alkaline water into our life, we are working with our body to make its task of balancing out our PH a little easier!

I first heard of alkaline water a few years ago from a YouTuber, Alyse Parker. She was vlogging about her morning routine and started off her day drinking a glass of 9.5 hydrogen-rich alkaline water from some fancy machine. When I looked into alkaline water and getting a machine for myself I knew it was something I would need to plan and save up for, alkalizing machines are expensive. So instead I turned to cheaper, less sustainable options, like drinking alkaline water out of plastic bottles.

Still, not all alkaline water is created equally. The alkaline water I was getting from the store was manipulated with baking soda to create the perfect PH. This meant I was getting a PH of 9.5 but not any activated hydrogen atoms, which is where the magic of alkalized water lies.

Alkalized water is water that has gone through an ionization process that separates select hydrogen molecules from the overall H2O combo. This creates an alkaline PH. So when the water runs through an alkalizing machine, often times you will have one hose with the alkalized water (with activated hydrogen), and another hose that produces acidic water (with the separated Oxygen).

The activated Hydrogen is what makes having an alkalizing machine worth it! Activated hydrogen supports our bodies’ natural antioxidation process. This means that when we drink hydrogen-rich, alkaline water, we are not only supporting our bodies’ natural PH level, but we are supporting the antioxidants in our body that are protecting our cells from potentially harmful free radicals. Knowing all of this, I couldn’t help but splurge on something that I knew would be so good for my personal health!

After doing a little more researching, and talking things over with a friend who owned a machine herself, I decided to bite the bullet and buy one. Not only did I learn that I could finance one of these machines through the company that created them, but I also learned that the machines themselves are medical grade. This means I can travel with the machine because it is considered to be a medical device.

Of course, hydrogen-rich alkaline water is not a cure for disease. It is still used by health food stores, medical practitioners, and holistic practitioners because it has the potential to aid your body in its own natural healing process.

Since investing in my own alkalizing machine, I have noticed a tremendous difference in my health. I feel less bloated and more energized than ever before. I’ve also noticed significant improvements in my skin and experienced fewer tension headaches and migraines.

Of course, every person’s body is different, and what works for me may not work for you. I am not a professional medical practitioner, nor do I claim alkaline water to be a cure for disease. Hydrogen-rich alkaline water is simply a tool used to aid our body in its own natural process. It is worth taking a deeper look at the water we are drinking and how it can affect the balance of our overall health. After all, our body is predominantly made up of water so we might as well replenish it with the highest quality water we can!

If you’re interested in learning more about hydrogen-rich, alkaline water comment below or send me an email!

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