dear sis a poem dedicated to all the strong, empathetic women in my life yoga philosophy

Dear Sis: A Poem For All the Strong, Passionate Women Out There

I posted this saucy pic and poem on my Instagram the other day and got such an overwhelming response. That’s why I wanted to share it here, and speak a little bit more about what inspired me to write this piece.

First off, let me just say THANK YOU!! Thank you to those who liked, commented, sent me DM’s, and spoke to me in person. I took this pic a few weeks ago and debated for the longest time about posting it. There’s nothing wrong with feeling beautiful and sexy, but I had no idea what the caption should be. The poem came a little later when I was reminiscing about friendships and relationships I’ve had over the past few years.

Dear Sis Poem

Dear sis, 
I don’t blame you for the things you’ve done. I don’t blame you for the words that were said out of jealousy and fear. I cannot be mad at you, because once upon a time I was you.
Dear sis,
We are more similar than you know. I see parts of myself in you, parts that I admire and parts I try to hide. While it may seem like a curse at times, it’s our passion that truly sets us apart from those around us. I know, because I can feel your passion seeping from the cracks in the screen on my phone. I could feel your passion in remnants of the stories from those you’ve loved. This game you play in your head is the same game I engage in every day, I guess you could say that’s a part of our charm.
Dear sis,
This is not the first time we’ve met and it won’t be the last. Our souls are intertwined in more ways than love. Our ideals are more than just wishful thinking, I know you know this because you too can see and feel the world in ways that others can’t. Our stories are so different but our lessons are the same. While you may not know it, I am quietly cheering you on. I wish nothing but the best for you because I truly do see you.

For All The Ladies In My Life

Initially, this poem was about a specific person who had reentered my life for a brief moment. However, once I started writing,I realized I could apply these words to so many women that have come and gone in my life. Thank you to the women who have inspired me, and helped me grow. Whether we have been friends forever, or just in passing, your presence has made me a better person.

Love and Light,


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