Reiki Energy Healing and Chakra Balancing

Energy Healing: Reiki 101

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You guys…I am so excited to share that I am officially a level one certified Reiki practitioner!!! Reiki is something I have been fascinated with for a very long time. I’ve had many friends, mentors, and fellow yoga teachers recommend I learn the art of Reiki. While it interested me, I never really looked much into it. I bought a book about Reiki a few years ago, and if I’m being 100% honest with you, I didn’t even open it up until a few weeks ago. However, I finally came across a Reiki level one training near me and decided to just go for it. Here is what I learned.

What is Reiki…?

Reiki is a form of energy healing. Similar to Acupuncture, Reiki focuses on the meridians of the body. Reiki healing was developed in the mid-1800’s by Dr. Mikao Usui who was studying holistic medicine. After a 21 day fast and meditation, Usui had a vision that healing energy had entered his body gifting him the art of Reiki. Before his death, Usui taught more than 2.000 people about the healing energy and how to use it.

Reiki is broken down into two different words. Rei meaning, the divine, God, or universal. Ki meaning energy or life force. So the translation of Reiki is, roughly the divine energy. Everyone has the ability to utilize this healing energy, but in order to do so, you need to receive a Reiki attunement by a Reiki Master.

 The Attunement Process

Traditionally there are three levels of Reiki practitioners, meaning there are three different Reiki attunements you need in order to be considered a Reiki Master. Each attunement is a little different and each Reiki master will have their own approach to how they perform the attunement process.

The attunement is what allows the Reiki energy to flow through the practitioner. During the attunement process, the Reiki Master will perform Reiki on his or her students. This allows any energetic blocks in the body to be worked through so that the Reiki energy has room to flow. The Reiki Master will then give the Reiki energy to the student, gifting them the ability to perform Reiki.

After the attunement is done there is a 21 day period where the energy acclimates to the body. During this time, new practitioners may experience many different symptoms. A lack of energy, an abundance of energy, headaches, digestive symptoms etc. The Reiki Master cannot clear away all of the blockages in their student’s bodies for them. What they cannot clear initially is left for the Reiki energy to do on its own.

The Healing Energy of ReikiHow Does Reiki Work?

The first level of Reiki training is where students learn the most basic level of energy healing. The healing occurs on a physical level, and students are taught how to self-heal and heal close friends and family members. There are a series of hand positions the student will learn in a level one Reiki course. The hand positions run along the energy centers of the body and are intended to bring balance.

Traditionally Reiki was practiced as a hands-off technique, simply hovering over the body. Depending on the Reiki practitioner and the client, they can also do a hands-on technique. Hands-on utilizes the same hand positions, but with direct contact to the body.

Something that was stressed in my training, was that the Reiki practitioner is not the healer. The practitioner provides the pathway for the energy to flow. The actual energy is the property that aids the physical body in its natural healing process.

So It’s Just Energy…?

Yes! Reiki is a form of energy healing that can aid in physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Reiki Philosophy believes that the healing energy is all around us, even within us. The difference between a practitioner and a nonpractitioner is that the practitioner has been tuned into the energy. Meaning the practitioner provides the vessel necessary for the energy to flow.

Now I’m going to be totally honest, I am a healthy skeptic of all of this. I wasn’t so sold on Reiki before taking the class, and I’m still researching more about it after the fact. I do believe that everything around us, everything we see, feel, hear, and touch is all made up of energy. Therefore, when I interact with another person, I am exchanging this energy. With the right intention and proper knowledge of the energetic body, I believe that we can utilize energy to help balance the body. Still, it’s not for everyone and that’s ok!

What Reiki Isn’t

What Reiki isn’t, is a quick fix to a disease or ailment, it is not an end all be all cure. However, Reiki can aid in treating certain ailments and increasing the rate at which the body heals. Much like cat purrs, which vibrate at a frequency that is known to heal bones, reduce stress and lower the heart rate, Reiki can also aid in healing the body. Studies have shown that the vibration emitted from Reiki practitioners hands are energetically soothing. Additionally, a study known as the TouchStone Process, revealed that Reiki can calm the autonomic nervous system of the patient, reducing elevated vital signs. Reiki treatments have also been known to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, leading to a healthier function of the body and mind.

What I have learned, and experienced through Reiki has led to me continue to study the practice. I find Reiki extremely interesting and a valuable tool. While Reiki is not a quick fix, it can promote healing in the body. The energetic exchange provided by a simple touch is important to know and understand as a Yoga teacher, which is why I want to learn as much as I can!

If you’re interested in learning more about Reiki, I recommend getting (and actually reading) The Reiki Manual. The Reiki Manual provides proper information and instruction on how to perform and utilize Reiki energy and is a valuable tool for both practitioners and nonpractitioners.

Love and Light,


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