Samskara deep rooted impressions that shape our ego

Chakra Two The Sacral Chakra: Svadhisthana

Last week I talked all about the root chakra, what a balanced root chakra feels like and how to find balance if your energy is off base. This week I wanted to keep the theme going and move into the second chakra sometimes referred to as the sacral chakra. If you haven’t read my first post about chakra one then I recommend you read that post before continuing. In order to effectively tap into the second chakras energy, we need to have an opened, balanced first chakra.

Chakra Basics

The sacral chakra, called svadhisthana in sanskrit, means “the dwelling place.” Some refer to it as, “the seat of the self.” Due to its placement, between the navel and the pubic bone, the sacral chakra is linked to the reproductive organs, and the element associated is water. While the root chakra is linked to the male reproductive organs, the sexual fluids for both male and female anatomy are linked to the sacral chakra.

Additionally, the second chakra is associated with your hip space. Your hips house your emotions and your sensuality among other qualities. Being one of the largest, more complex joints in the body, your hip joint accumulate a large amount of synovial fluid. Synovial fluid helps lubricate your joints, protecting your bones and allows you to move with ease – much like the energy of the second chakra.

The sacral chakra provides the container for your emotions, and regulates your adaptability. The energy of the sacral chakra in balance, is a constant flow, able to maneuver around any roadblocks with ease. It is the desire to moves, and the creativity to carve a new path, that makes the energy of the sacral chakra so unique. It is possible to adopt this mentality into your everyday life. However, it requires you to be balanced and grounded in your root chakra first.

Chakra Two in Excess

When your are out of balance in your sacral chakra you can become overly emotional. In excess, you allow your emotions to rule your actions with little to no perspective of your situation. Often times you will get stuck in an emotional state, lingering in and out for days. Being overly attached to people, specifically ones you love is also a sign of an overactive sacral chakra.

Seeking pleasure whether it’s through physical touch, food, or attention can also indicate an imbalance in your energetic state. However, it is not specific to a hyperactive sacral chakra. Sometimes an under-active sacral chakra will seek pleasure as a way to open up blocked energy.

Chakra Two Deficiency

Consequently, when you’re deficient in your sacral chakra, you may have a hard time acknowledging and expressing your emotions. When your sacral chakra is low in energy you can experience fear and anxiety around change. Being out of balance in your sacral chakra may have leave you issues with control. Needing to adhere to a schedule or being mad when something doesn’t go your way are signs of imbalance. Your body might be stiff, and your mental and physical flexibility might be low. A lack of creative expression is also a sign of a deficient sacral chakra. Experiencing any type of creative block is a sign the sacral chakra’s energy is low or suppressed.

 Second Chakra in Balance

When you are balanced in your sacral chakra you can move through life with ease. You’re ready and able to take whatever life throws your way. You are open with your emotions, and allow yourself to feel without getting overly attached. Having a healthy sacral chakra also allows you to have a healthy sex drive. Being able to explore your sensuality without judgment is a sign of an open, balanced sacral chakra.

Similarly, expressing your emotions also opens the doors for creativity to flow. Expressing your creativity through art, dance, writing, music or any other form helps maintain an open sacral chakra. While the sacral chakra’s energy does tap into your creative nature, it is not the only chakra that aids in creativity. The fifth chakra, or throat chakra, also utilizes creativity as a form of self-expression…but we’ll dive into that another time!

If you would like to know more about the Chakra system, check out Anodea Judith’s books Wheels of life and Eastern Body, Western Mind.

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