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5 Tips for New Yoga Students

Being a new student on your yoga mat is intimidating, but we’ve all been there. Don’t let your fear of judgment or lack of flexibility keep you from going to the studio to practice. Most of your fellow students in the room will be too wrapped up in their own practice to worry about yours. If you’re still a little hesitant though, Don’t worry – here are five tips for your first yoga class!

1. Do your research on each yoga class

there are many styles of yoga, each with their own benefits. When you first start your yoga, look into multiple styles of practice to see what fits your needs. Do you like more chill, meditative practice? Then try yin yoga or a slow flow. If you’re looking for a more rigorous athletic style practice, try Ashtanga or power yoga. Often times studios will have a variety of yoga classes, check out the studio’s website and read the class descriptions to see what options you have. If you go to a yoga class and it wasn’t what you were expecting, don’t stop practicing! Sometimes it takes a little trial and error to learn what you like and what you don’t.

2. Talk to your teachers

Get to class early and let your teacher know you are new. This is a huge help to both you and your teacher. It can also help ease any fears you have about class, and make you feel more comfortable on your mat. Don’t be afraid to let your teacher know you if don’t want any hands-on adjustments either. While adjustments can be helpful in alignment, not everyone is comfortable with them. Don’t worry, us teachers don’t take it personally if you don’t want to be adjusted. Furthermore, If you have a question about a pose you did in class or want to learn more about something feel free to approach your teacher afterward. Most yoga teachers will stay after class specifically for this reason.

3. Take advantage of new studio deals

Lots yoga studios will have an intro package or promotional deal for new yoga students. Take advantage of these deals and check out multiple studios and gyms! Just like each teacher has their own style, so do studios. Shop around, try different types of classes and check out each teacher. When your intro package is up, don’t feel obligated to stay at that studio. If you loved it and want to invest in more classes that’s awesome! If you’re not so sure and want to check out more places, that’s cool too. You can always revisit a studio if you want, or pay for a drop in if you really liked a teacher. Make sure you keep your eyes open for community classes as well. Some studios offer teacher training courses, these studios might offer discounted rates so their trainees can practice teaching.

4. Try different teachers

Not every teacher will be your favorite and not every teacher is created the same. One teacher might focus more on the philosophy of the practice while the other teacher focuses on alignment and strength. Don’t let a single teacher ruin your perception of the yoga practice, and don’t feel obligated to stay with a teacher if it’s not working out for you. Students come and go all the time, as a teacher I don’t take it personally and neither should others! Everyone is searching for something different on their mat and I have a deep respect for those who know what they want, even if I’m not what they’re looking for.

5. Childs pose is your best friend in any yoga class

When in doubt childs pose. Do not feel pressured to do every single pose offered to you in a yoga class, it is your practice so take what you need and leave the rest. If your body is starting to fatigue to the point where you are losing proper alignment, take a rest. If childs pose is uncomfortable then take a seat, find your breath and join back in when you’re ready. I have gone to classes fired up for a strength based flow, only to realize my body was not having it. Know that you can modify a pose to make it more accessible, you can skip a pose too if that’s what your body needs. Always take the practice at your own pace. Do your best to move with the class but know that it’s not the end of the world if you need a break.

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